My light...

We've already been together since October, but it has been developing into something more and more special over the months. Actually, it became clear pretty soon that we're made for each other - there's almost nothing we're not both interested in, ranging from development economics and buddhism to good vegetarian food and hip-hop. I never thought I would run into such a great person!
But luckily I did, so we spend more and more time together, and in April I will even move in with her! Well, I'm at her appartment most of the time anyway, so it won't be such a big difference, but of course it's still a big step. But I'm confident that it will be great: coming home to find her there, or being there when she gets back from work, cooking together, listening to music together, waking up together...
Chloe (my girlfriend) currently works at Ashoka, an NGO that stimulates social entrepreneurship, to set up a low-cost healthservice franchise. The first pilot should be launched in India in the next few months. She also studies at the Elliott School of International Affairs, like me, and that's where I met her. However, she studies International Science and Technology Policy and she'll be done in May - lucky girl - and will then start working full-time at Ashoka. Right now she's in Kenya with three classmates for her capstone (final) project, evaluating the use of diagnostic software at the Kenyan Ministry of Health - lucky girl! She is focussing on the perception of usefulness and ease of use of the software. So in the meanwhile I'm just studying for my midterms, and once they're over on Wednesday I'll work on my Arabic, because that's never good enough... I can't wait until she comes back on March 21st!
Wat leuk, gefeliciteerd!
Je had me al wat over d'r verteld de laatste keer dat we zaten te skypen een paar maanden terug. Echt super om te horen dat het zo goed gaat met jullie twee! :D
I'm glad you both have found inspiration in one another... can't wait to meet you! The photo is beautiful.
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